December 31, 2012

Snow, Beautiful SNOW! (New Years Eve)

This is what goats look like in the snow. Grumpy, Puffy, Cute.

"Maaaaammaa! Can we PLEASE go back to the barn?!"

Treasure Hunt

Sort of what the treasure hunt "theme" was. This is some of the stuff. 
This is the treasure before it was hidden. :) I made the chest out or cardboard, paper, tape, and paint. :)

Flora and Fauna all decked out with their new bells and pack of goodies for the trail.

Second clue was to piece together this puzzle and therefore find their goats. :)
I planned on taking pictures of some more clues etc. but I forgot the camera while I was hiding them and the girls didn't think it would be near as fun if I tagged along while they found them. Sooo... Anyway, it mainly consisted of some riddles, maps and a Key Map that served as a coordinance for several other clues throughout.

And they're off!

Some of the stuff.

Rules are Rules.

With a little help from the guys (cutting the tress and helping staple the tarp down), I built this house for the girls to find during the week before the treasure hunt. It was just in sight of the house and every day I was so scared they were going to find me out! I hid the treasure chest in this.
(Obviously, it is still very much in the rough stage but I ran out of time and I figured the girls would have a lot of input (and help) for future work. :) Hopefully we  can pretty it up and make it a cute, little thatched roof.

Brady thought it'd be a good a idea to have a campfire going for those chilly girlies when the got to the end of the treasure hunt!

Best shots I could get of the inside without a wide-angled lens. The pioneer dress were there just for effect as well as because I helped  Libby make the other two girls pioneer cloaks to wear with them and Lib wanted them to be part of the treasure.

From the door the treasure was out of sight and it just looked to them like they were getting a house and new cloaks for their dresses...

Brady, Dad, Mom and I were hiding in the house waiting for the girls. It was fun... HERE THEY COME!

Their faces were PRICELESS!


Libby excited about the house and the fact here sisters were thrilled with their cloaks.

Kelly discovers the treasure chest!


The treasure consisted of mainly things for the girls new house (dishes, lantern etc.) and other little fun  things.

And home for victory hot chocolate and laughter while watching a movie.

December 11, 2012


The goat fence has been finished for a week or more Grandpa. (At least the woven wire part.)  You should be proud of us. :) We're pretty happy we're done....