We've been busy! November 3rd we celebrated my dad's 49th birthday. The week following we had grandparents visit from out of state for a week during deer season. Sad to say but all that HSP (Hunters Strategy Palaver*), time off work, early mornings and coffee guzzling didn't bag a deer. I mean come on... it was pretty windy and the weather just wasn't good for it. No deer means a bigger one next year right?
(Definition of the word palaver: 1. profuse and idle talk; chatter. 2.a conference or discussion)
We did get in some quality Family Time though,
lots of Rumminkub was played (thank goodness for
directions to quell all traditional rules and add new ones!).
We had a wonderful time eating and talking and eating more. Grandma brought her officially famous Bun Candy Bars. Unfortunately you aren't even allowed to see a picture of those as they are SO delectable everything about them is a family secret.
And then, there was Thanksgiving and all the goodness that goes with it.
And every minute in-between everything else, I scrambled to get over-due things on my to-do list done and taken care of. So much fencing and repairs that has been put off and this wonderful weather has just been begging to get out the work gloves and wear some callouses. It's such a great feeling of accomplishment to finish one fence row at a time and look back and know all shorts are fixed, the tension is just right, brush is cleared and those sore muscles and blood blisters have something to show for themselves. Best of all the neighbors cows don't have a lick of a chance getting to my 'greener grass'. I know ranch work is never done... there's always a new short in the fence and the brush keeps growing. Everything breaks in its time (which seems to always happen in prompt succession to getting something else fixed) but there's something to be said for working with your hands outside in 60* weather with only the cattle for company, hawks soaring overhead and being ready to hit the hay by the time the sun slips past over the horizon, setting the higher woods ablaze in golden color. Yeah. There's something to be said for that.