Northern Pin tail.

Abby's submission to HSLDA'S art competition.
Libby and Abby were the two Ymkers that submitted entries to the national Junior Duck Stamp competition this year. These are their submissions. The competition starts within each state and the best of show moves to compete nationally. We were introduced to this competition by Kim Nisbett. She, for the last couple of years, has given the interested Ymker kids art lessons and encouraged them to participate in this competition. This is the last year that Abby may enter. She has placed second the two previous years that she has entered. This year she's hoping for 1st! Libby,who is 6 years old, has many years ahead of her to participate and she likes doing it. Last year she received honorable mention in her age group.
The last posted picture is Abby's submission to Home School Legal Defense's competition. Last year Abby received honorable mention for her submission and this year she again is hoping to improve her success!:) This art competition is a little unique in the fact that you are required to draw something that goes along with a particular word or theme that they have chosen for your age group. The word that Abby had to work around was tenacious. I think she accomplished that. :) It's been a real joy for me to see what Kim has encouraged and taught my kids on how to perceive a subject and then how to start drawing it. It truly is amazing to me what kids can do with a little direction and exposure to the right tools etc.... We are really grateful to Kim for getting them started. They have had a lot of enjoyment with it all.
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