Mystery is right. How does this happen? There should only be six pairs of mud boots in the porch. I dumped two pairs with obvious gaping holes before I took the picture when I cleaned the porch a little while ago.
May 30, 2012
Mystery is right. How does this happen? There should only be six pairs of mud boots in the porch. I dumped two pairs with obvious gaping holes before I took the picture when I cleaned the porch a little while ago.
Memorial Day Weekend
New Superjet! We have three now. I guess I'd better start riding more often. Isn't it pretty sweet looking?
Fantastic boat ride....
Allie caught a small horse fly. Scary dog! :)
I think she ate it. Told ya she was scary.
Back home.
It was a great weekend.
May 22, 2012
May 20, 2012
May 8, 2012
May 3, 2012
Want to know why there haven't been any posts lately? Remember I said my drama group was putting on A Tale Of Two Cities: The Musical and you should get tickets? Well, did you? If you didn't, you missed an amazing play. Here's a few pictures of what's kept me so busy:

Another favorite scene where Charles Darnay is going to allowed to go free at the end by the French populous but Madame DeFarge steps up with a letter Dr. Mannette wrote years before in the Bastille and reenacts her childhood tale concerning abuse and murder by Darnay's deceased uncle to her family, again turning the crowd against Darnay ending in a 24hr death sentence.

Gaspard's little boy is run over by the Marquis's carriage.
One of my favorite scenes where Sydney Carton sings Little Lucie to sleep and is joined below in the "street" by the funeral procession for the little boy. Amazing scene.
Here, listen to it:!!
Madame DeFarge
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
A scene that always brings goosebumps and where Darnay's uncle, Marquis Evermonde is murdered by Gaspard in revenge for running over his child in the streets
Another favorite scene where Charles Darnay is going to allowed to go free at the end by the French populous but Madame DeFarge steps up with a letter Dr. Mannette wrote years before in the Bastille and reenacts her childhood tale concerning abuse and murder by Darnay's deceased uncle to her family, again turning the crowd against Darnay ending in a 24hr death sentence.
Can you guess what we've been listening too?
Yes, you're right... the bullfrogs have been making quite a racket lately.
And yes, they are pretty big. This is just a tadpole (above).
May 2, 2012
I made this basket for my grandma's birthday. :) Wooden flowers are compliments of Brady. :)
It's not a very good picture but... :) When it dries, it will be a dark red.
Pudding Party - With Tea
A little party followed after all the wash was done and hanging in the breeze...
In consisted of new dishes... chocolate pudding and tea, followed by:
games, laughter....
and spilled cat-food.
The End.
A Special Gift
Sending love to Aunt Kim! :)
Libby just celebrated her 9th birthday. For her birthday this year, Aunt Kim sent her (and her sisters - how could a birthday be complete if you can't share your stuff?) a full pioneer costume for dress up along with the whole "sha-bang" of dishes and laundry items for doing wash in the river. :) She certainly made a little girl very, very happy. :)
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